The Immortal Kings
An Immortal King, master of lightning, a weapons expert, and ruler of Alonus, Saber has vowed his whole life for the safety of the "Chosen One". Being the one who leads the "Chosen One" in his/her training, Saber is the most important in helping the "Chosen One" reach their final destination.
As a master of the winds and the ruler of an unknown country, Christian's power resides on making sure that the "Chosen One" will make claim to his/her destiny and restore the balence to the orbs.
Scathe, Immortal King of the Underearth, master of Fire, and master of magic. His power of Fire is what keeps his kingdom running. Although, rivalries with Vladimere Demenkoff have produced disturbances that slow the process that will finish the destined prophecy.
As Lord of the Underocean and master of the water magic, Deweas must keep up his end of the prophecy be helping the other three of the Immortal Kings reach their final goal with the "Chosen One"