At the creation of the world, the seven Gods created seven crystals. The Gods each took one of these for his own. The world was then created, and the different features were created by different Gods.
The God of Fire gave the world a sun, volcanoes, and, to the people, the knowledge of how to make fire.
The Wind God created the air, the sky, and the trees, to keep producing breathable air.
The God of Earth created the soil, rocks, and the sand. He also created the mountains, and the plateaus.
The Water God created the rivers, lakes, ponds, oceans, and rain.
The will to survive, and the means to live were provided by the God of Power.
The God of Wisdom gave the inhabitants of the world the power of free thought, a very valualbe attribute.
Last, but definitely not least, the God of Magic gave a select few of the inhabitants a special talent.
All had gone fine in the world and the inhabitants were happy, until Kal Du-Vac, the headstrong God of Power, desired more of his realm. Du-Vac desired the power of all seven crystals. Yet there was a small problem, the other six gods had their crystals in their protection.
To solve this problem, Kal Du-Vac went to one of the humans who had the power to see into the future.
The man he went to was called Lacigam. He told Du-Vac of a time in the distant future when there would be no gods. This time seemed to be the perfect time to sieze the crystals.
Kal Du-Vac then traveled forward in time, arriving in the twenty first century. He found that the world had advanced so far technologically that the crystals had gained so much power that, in order to survive, they converted themselves into orbs. He then took all of the orbs to his control and put them in seven locations in the world where they would be accessable only to him. Afterwards, he brought forth an army of hideous creatures that enslaved and even destroyed parts of the world. Those that survived, were lucky.
What Kal Du-Vac didn't know is that Aristok, the father of the gods, knew about his chronological travels. He then sent a single, powerful soul to the modern time in which Kal Du-Vac had arrived. This soul, who would be simply known as "the Chosen One", would have the power to access the seven locations and slay the evil God of Power.
Although the "Chosen One" has the power to slay Kal Du-Vac, he/she must be trained to in magery, weaponry, armory, and, most importantly, common sense. The "Chosen One" will have some help in these areas, and on the quest to slay the God of Power, from four men, the Immortal Kings.
You will take role as the "Chosen One" and take part in a world-shattering cmpaign agianst the forces of evil. This quest must succeed for the preservation of all mankind, and all the spcies in the world.
"You must try! The forces of evil are upon us, and to fail would mean certain death. Yet you are our only chance, you have the power! If you do not try, the earth will forever be under a cloud of evil darkness."-Deweas-Ruler of the underocean.
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